Sunday, August 09, 2020

Have you buttered bread with a spoon?

So my tomato & basil soup arrived without a knife and - partly for Covid reasons - I decided not to go in search of one.

This is the only time I can recall spreading butter with a spoon (just in case you think I’m some kind of cutlery pervert).

My point is: we forget that life is full of unexplored possibilities. Our routines, our conventions blind us to 99.9% of the things we might think, or do.

When I was a college lecturer I taught many wonderful individuals. Each student was special and different. Yet year on year they all behaved in nearly exactly the same manner: sitting in rows, taking notes. Not once did someone get up and dance or brush their teeth. Not once did someone suggest an alternative to the education system.

Disruptive times are also an opportunity: a chance to question and perhaps depart from the conventions which we have learned to take for granted.

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