Nietzsche says that man is a bridge, Heidegger uses the word 'clearing' to say the same thing in reference to Dasein (humankind).
But in both cases it is a qualified definition: that is the essence of what we are, the most we can be. The few. The rest are 'herd' or 'fallen' - consumed by triviality and popularity. Flotsam & jetsam. Dwelling in the here & now, like grazing sheep.
But here's a question: what do you think crosses that bridge? What is it that appears in the clearing?
It's a one-way bridge, and what appears in the clearing is always sent (never ascent - the gods descend, we do not ascend).
What crosses is destiny - history unfolding - truth - Being - god - whichever term you comprehend best. The bridge is how the future unravels into the world.
'Come on, Nick - stop talking like a mystic - give us an example!'
Sure. Technology. Humanity has provided the space, an opening into which technology can enter the universe. We are a stepping stone in this story: technology has been waiting in the wings since the beginning of time. Technology is not a human tool, technology is the next shape that Being takes, as it enters existence, in much the same way that organic life entered the world when inorganic matter was the bridge. Technology's view of us, is as our view of rocks and sand.
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